
Beatles yellow submarine
Beatles yellow submarine

beatles yellow submarine

Then they cut up the footage and used some of the shots for something else. When we were in the studio recording 'Bulldog,' apparently it was at a time when they needed some footage for something else, some other record (Lady Madonna), and a film crew came along and filmed us.

beatles yellow submarine

GEORGE 1999: "We now have an unreleased video of 'Hey Bulldog,' as you know. We always tried to make every song different because we figured, 'Why write something like the last one? We've done that.' We were on a ladder so there was never any sense of stepping down a rung, or even staying on the same rung, it was better to move one rung ahead." There's a little rap at the end between John and I, we went into a crazy little thing at the end. PAUL circa-1994: "I remember 'Hey Bulldog' as being one of John's songs and I helped him finish it off in the studio, but it's mainly his vibe. JOHN 1980: "It's a good sounding record that means nothing." I had a few young relatives and I would sing songs for them." PAUL circa-1994: "When they were singing a song, to encourage the audience to join in they'd say 'All together now,' so I just took it and read another meaning into it, of- we are all together now. JOHN 1971: "I enjoyed it when football crowds in the early days would sing 'All Together Now.'" By the time I realized what had happened, when they were going public and making all this money out of this catalog, I wrote 'Only A Northern Song' as what we call a 'piss-take,' just to have a joke about it." As an 18 or 19-year-old kid, I thought, 'Great, somebody's gonna publish my songs!' But he never said, 'And incidentally, when you sign this document here, you're assigning me the ownership of the songs,' which is what it is. GEORGE 1999: "It was at the point that I realized Dick James had conned me out of the copyrights for my own songs by offering to become my publisher. In addition, the song was copyrighted Northern Songs LTD, which I don't own." GEORGE 1980: "'Northern Song' was a joke relating to Liverpool, the Holy City in the North of England. (laughs) And on the final track there's actually that very small party happening! As I seem to remember, there's a few screams and what sounds like small crowd noises in the background." As I said, John's doing the voice that sounds like someone talking down a tube or ship's funnel as they do in the merchant marine. GEORGE 1999: "Paul came up with the concept of 'Yellow Submarine.' All I know is just that every time we'd all get around the piano with guitars and start listening to it and arranging it into a record, we'd all fool about. The lyrics got more and more obscure as it goes on, but the chorus, melody and verses are mine." I just made up a little tune in my head, then started making a story- sort of an ancient mariner, telling the young kids where he'd lived. I was thinking of it as a song for Ringo, which it eventually turned out to be, so I wrote it as not too rangey in the vocal. I remember thinking that a children's song would be quite a good idea. PAUL circa-1994: "I was laying in bed in the Asher's garret, and there's a nice twilight zone just as you're drifting into sleep and as you wake from it- I always find it quite a comfortable zone. And then we thought it would be good for Ringo to do." PAUL 1984: "I wrote that in bed one night. We virtually made the track come alive in the studio, but based on Paul's inspiration. JOHN 1980: "'Yellow Submarine' is Paul's baby. JOHN 1972: "Paul wrote the catchy chorus. And there's nothing more to be read into it than there is in the lyrics of any children's song." We were trying to write a children's song. PAUL 1966: "It's a happy place, that's all. Pepperland / Sea Of Time / Sea Of Holes / March Of The Meanies / Sea Of Monsters / Pepperland Laid Waste / Yellow Submarine In Pepperland Includes Instrumental 'Movie Score' tracks: Yellow Submarine Originally released in the UK, January 17, 1969 Beatles Songwriting & Recording Database: Yellow Submarineīeatles Ultimate Experience: Songwriting & Recording Database: Yellow Submarine

Beatles yellow submarine